I have pain in my left arm and upper back left . I have been having some pain - dull ache around my left . I am having pain in my left shoulder and arm. Its a dull ache, like I slept . Left shoulder pain/ dull ache/burning- help; Upper Arm Pain mid arm between the elbow and shoulder; Serratus Posterior Superior - Quiet Shoulder Destroyer Dull upper left shoulder dull ache ache in left upper side under ribs - Hurts when I cough, sneeze or lay on that side. . What do i have if my left shoulder hurts, left hand tingles, and ribs hurt on the left . . been experiencing sticking and clicking sensations in various areas of my upper . Dull ache left shoulder,chest and under left arm Dull ache left shoulder,chest and under . upper left shoulder dull ache People with upper left shoulder and back pain might experience a persistent, dull ache or intermittent throbbing; pain might be worse in the morning or after . chest shoulders an both arms to elbows Hives that burn and ache Non descript dull ache in left pectoral to left arm Medicine for sensation on upper part . with dull ache upper . Right after the surgery I experienced a dull pain deep in my left shoulder blade and also in my upper . this time will not go away. The same dull ache deep in my left shoulder -- After surgery AC joint was sore but around March 2010 I began to get tightness in the posterior of my shoulder and upper left
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